The other day, I went to Hokuei-cho in Tottori Prefecture on a trip.
Where? It is the town where you can meet Detective Conan! Woo-hoo!
The photo above is a large statue of Detective Conan at Yura Station ( A.K.A. Conan Station)! Cute.
I went, but the wind was too strong and it was really cold.I thought I could explore the area on foot, but it was laughably too cold to do so.
No kidding! It was so cold.
Car travel is the best!

I walked around the Aoyama Gosho Furusato Museum and the surrounding area and took a few pictures.

My parents had taken me there when I was in elementary school, but I don’t remember much about it, so it was a lot of fun to come this time!
I’d like to come back next time when it’s a little warmer! LOL
Extra Information
I had a blue jacket, so I went there with Conan concept coordination.
The headband that makes me look like Conan was a merchandise for the 30th anniversary exhibition. I didn’t wear it outside because I was embarrassed. lol

This is a bow tie-style brooch that I made in a few hours the day before departure to wear the Conan concept coordination.

I made it in a hurry with materials I had on hand, so the finish was a bit rough, but it came out cute, so I’m happy with it!
